Funny Quotes About Relationships

Funny Quotes About Relationships

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Funny situations occur when you have complicated relationships. Look around you. You will find many chaotic relationships that lead to humorous situations. Ever seen the harrowed husband, who tries to maintain peace between his wife and his mother? You may have observed a funny exchange of words when a large family meets up during Thanksgiving.
Funny Relationships in Movies
Many movies have been made around funny relationships. The movie The Break-Up showcased the bittersweet relationship of a couple contemplating separation. If you have watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you will enjoy the craziness of large families, especially on the eve of a wedding. Monster in Law is a hilarious movie that captures the delicate relationship between a bride and her mother-in-law. The tug-of-war between the doting mother and the loving wife is an eternal classic.
Another movie that comes to mind is The Holiday, where the characters explore new relationships after going through a bad break-up. If you prefer watching TV soaps, you will enjoy Sarah Jessica Parker's famous TV sitcom Sex and the City that offers all kinds of relationships on a platter. The four women of Manhattan explore love, dating, sex, and friendships.
Relationships in Real Life
Movies imitate life, and life has many paradoxical relationships. There are many societies that accept polygamous relationships. Polygamy can throw a few surprising challenges at the unsuspecting person. Property squabbles, family conflicts, and holiday celebrations can become humorous scenes of rivalry, absurdity, and debauchery. Shakespeare explored these absurd relationships in his famous plays. As You Like It, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Much Ado About Nothing.
When you go to a party where couples are invited, observe their verbal and nonverbal exchange. Make a special note of their behavior, when they are together and alone for a brief moment. You can tell which couple has had a fight before coming to the party, and which one will have a fight after the party.
Most companies recognize the power of relationships, and its effect on business. Hence some organizations encourage dating coworkers, while others strongly dissuade relationships. Office affairs, can affect work relationships among employees.
How to Handle Conflicts in Relationships
When relationships go sour, look at the funny side. Instead of being anxious about your love life, make a joke about it and move on. If you have been through heartbreak, laugh at your stupid mistakes. The quicker you bounce back, the easier you will be able to accept past mistakes. This will help you recover from the breakup, and develop new relationships.
Here are funny relationship quotes that put you in a humorous mood. Let the smile wash away the worry lines. Crinkle your eyes when a chuckle erupts from the depths of your heart. Enjoy the wit in these funny relationship quotes and let your giggle engulf your heart.
Most companies recognize the power of relationships, and its effect on business. Hence some organizations encourage dating coworkers, while others strongly dissuade relationships. Office affairs, can affect work relationships among employees.
How to Handle Conflicts in Relationships
When relationships go sour, look at the funny side. Instead of being anxious about your love life, make a joke about it and move on. If you have been through heartbreak, laugh at your stupid mistakes. The quicker you bounce back, the easier you will be able to accept past mistakes. This will help you recover from the breakup, and develop new relationships.
Here are funny relationship quotes that put you in a humorous mood. Let the smile wash away the worry lines. Crinkle your eyes when a chuckle erupts from the depths of your heart. Enjoy the wit in these funny relationship quotes and let your giggle engulf your heart.
Our two lives perfect they are not, but perfect we are together one love that will never stop.
You may not be perfect but you are perfect for me, and I'm grateful to call you mine!
I was your first everything and I hope to remain your last everything.
I accept him, I love him, just as he is. He accepts me, loves me, just as I am. We choose each other. everyday. It isn't puppies and rainbows and cotton candy under a starry sky. But it's the biggest love that I've ever known.
When I saw you, I was afraid to meet you. When I met you, I was afraid to kiss you. When I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. Now that I love you, I'm afraid to lose you.
The best moments of my life are the moments, that I spent along with you..
His heart? I own that...His back? I got that...His weed? I roll that...My baby? He knows that...My hands? He holds that...His role? He plays that...They Jealous? We know that...We're Happy? They hate that.
The best boyfriend isn't the best-looking, the funniest, or the richest. It's the one that makes sure you know he loves you.
It's sweet when someone remembers every little detail about you, not because you keep reminding them... But because they pay attention.
You make me smile,you make me laugh, you are the one who cheers me up. When I am down you pick me up and when I frown you turn it upside down :)
You're someone who can always show me the brighter side, and I can always tell you what I feel inside.
RELATIONSHIP; It's more than just the dates, holding hands and kissing. It's about accepting each other's weirdness and flaws. It's about being yourself and finding happiness together. It's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.
Relationships are like yard sales, they look really fun from a couple hundred feet away, but then you realize its just a bunch of crap you don't need.
I dont know what I'd do without you, I dont know where I'd be, your not just another boy, your everything to me.
Thing I will never do is betray you. 2. Things I will always do is love and cherish you. 3. Words I won't stop telling you I LOVE YOU.
My days get better by talking to you, saying I love you is what I like to say. If we broke apart I wouldn't know what to do, but being with you is a miracle that I say every day.
When I'm with you I'm happy, when we hug its like I dont ever want to let go, when you make me smile it brings the sunshine out in me, when I see you and our eyes meet, its like something i've never felt before.
I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love's suicide, I'll be better when I'm older, I'll be the greatest fan of your life.
We fight, we cry, we laugh, and we know each other like the back of our hands. Not only are you my best friend, but my significant other, and I wouldn't change that for anything.
Relationship between two person should be like the relationship between the hand and the eye. If the hand gets hurt, the eye cries, and if the eye cries the hand wipes its tear.
Let them talk, and talk and talk. Let them say what they want. We will laugh at the thought they dont know what we've got. Every year that goes by, a year older we are. You'll still be beautiful then, bless your beautiful heart.
If it wasn't for you, my life wouldn't have a purpose, you changed me for who I am and today I could never forget that day and it will always remain that way.
I wanna be the one your ex will hate, your mom will love, and the one you'll never forget.
Your imperfections make you perfect, your insecurities make you secure, but your flaws...They make you flawless.
You know he's the one when you're more than a year into the relationship and you both can still talk to one another with as much excitement as if it was on your first date :)
Out of the people that are in this world, I only want you. Out of all my past loves, you're the only one I really knew.
Dreaming of you makes my nights worth while, just thinking of you makes me smile. Being with you is the best thing ever and loving you is what I'll do forever...
I promise to be there for you when you need me, I promise to hug you tight when you're lonely, I promise to keep you, not for the rest of my life but for the rest of yours because you are my everything.
You don't have to promise me the moon or the stars, just promise you'll stay under them with me forever.

Funny Quotes About Relationships 

Funny Quotes About Relationships 

Funny Quotes About Relationships 

Funny Quotes About Relationships 

Funny Quotes About Relationships 

Funny Quotes About Relationships 

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Funny Quotes About Relationships











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